Monday, July 5, 2010

Have fun under the gaming sun!

Wouldn't it be nice to play beach volleyball without having sunburn?

I remember back then I was a part of our school's volleyball team. And because of our love for the sport, we didn't care if we get sunburn. But it's different now, with Earth getting warmer and warmer, playing volleyball under the heat of the sun wouldn't sound that appealing for a lot of people.

But there's good news! While I was looking for news about upcoming games (i.e. Final Fantasy XIV, DC Universe Online) then something caught my attention: Beach Volleyball Online, baby! Yeah, immediately went nostalgic. I remember playing with my brother one of Tekken mini games which is volleyball and Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball.

Just to show what's Beach Volleyball Online is about: (info from their site

Beach Volleyball Online is an exquisite 3D world set in a lush beach side environment. The world incorporates a friendly community with numerous areas to explore combined with the intense competition and tactics of Beach Volleyball.

Players can customize their avatars in thousands of ways while developing their characters and making new friends. Players can also improve their skills and increase attributes by gaining experience both on and off the volleyball court.
With advanced 3D engine technology immerses the player in a gorgeous and realistic Summer-time setting. Apart from the action on the court, players can also engage in a variety of activities – go for a swim, rock out in the nightclub, meet new people using our public and private chat features, snuggle up with a special friend on the beach, even collect seashells - all the while gaining points and experience.

With tournaments, stand alone mini-games, in-game events, and a large friendly community, Beach Volleyball Online offers something for everyone.

I've also read about the game's social community system. It has Community Hall, Social Areas, and Mini Games.

In the Community Interface players can see the different types of rooms that are available, and what size each room is. You can select to join a room or create your own. You can also check other player's information, enter the shops, exercise, and check your rankings.

Social Areas in the game are the places where players can chat about anything.

Moreover, players can choose from different character classes. Players can choose from Offensive, Defensive, and Strategic.

About skills, players has 3 skills which are basic, special, and passive.

Basic skills are the basic skill sets that each class (Strategic, Offensive, or Defensive) can use. The skills can be activated by pressing (Default [D] or [S]) in a match.

Special skills are abilities that you can gain to greatly improve your game play. You must assign these skills to keys [Q] through [Y] before you start a match.

Passive skills become activated immediately when a character wears certain outfits. A player does not need to assign any keys to passive skills, they work automatically.

That's pretty much about this game. The game's current status is in Open Beta.

So what are you waiting for? Time for some ball action!

Princess Peach: It's time for some fun under the sun!

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